Top Four Crystals for Lion’s Gate
Lion’s Gate has the potential to be an incredibly transformative time. When I connected to the energy, I was shown that this Lion’s Gate Portal is all about Purification. We are being offered the opportunity to shed, clear or detox what has become stagnant and holding us back. This is an ideal time to work through long-held patterns, beliefs and fears that no longer support our new way of being. We are encouraged to then bring in a rejuvenated, fresh energy.
This Lion’s Gate is a great time to deconstruct and examine areas that hold you back and weigh you down. This allows you to take accountability and shift or let go of old habits or structures as needed.
There was a big message of caring for and healing your Inner Child during this Portal. Let your Inner Child lead you with this energy, as you give them love and nurturing. Re-parent areas of yourself that need special attention. Jump into the spontaneous energy of your Inner Child during the Lion’s Gate Portal so you can tap into that excitable joy and freedom.
Finish your passion project! You are almost there! I was shown that this energy is supportive when it comes to fine-tuning what you are trying to bring to life. Keep going and pour yourself into these passions of yours.
What not to do during this time? Procrastinate. Patience is important but take action when you feel inspired during the Lion’s Gate. Be bold - stand out and don’t blend in.
Hold a crystal between your hands and connect to the energy.
Crystals offer opportunities to explore, heal and transform your energy, emotions and full being. There are many different ways to connect to their energy, so I advise to engage with your crystals in the way that feels best to you at this time. Perhaps journaling with them, meditating with them , sitting and feeling their energy or even just holding them and seeing what comes up. As a crystal healer, I connect to the energy and consciousness of crystals to channel healing and messages.
Energy infused grid with the top four crystals for Lion’s Gate.
Here are the top four crystals I recommend to work with during this Lion’s Gate Portal energy:
Tiger’s Eye
When I connected to the spirit of Tiger’s Eye, I was shown to work with this crystal now to connect to your creative fire and ground into your creativity. Tiger’s Eye can help you with expansion when it comes to your passions, and work to pull more awareness into your projects. Supporting you to “level up” energetically, connect to Tiger’s Eye to refresh your energy from a more solid and stable place.
Golden Healer Quartz
Golden Healer Quartz gave me the message that its spirit is “happy to help.” Connect to Golden Healer Quartz for more Stamina during the Lion’s Gate Portal as it helps you to clear and process your emotions. The vitality from this crystal may offer you a rush of inspiration. In line with the Inner Child healing, Golden Healer Quartz showed that this crystal can help you tap into more or your giddy, child-like excitement - perfect when you want to lead with Inner Child energy.
Smokey Quartz
To make the most of the current energy, the message from Smokey Quartz relayed that this crystal can help you with clearing, cleansing, protecting and grounding at this time. Smokey Quartz will support the shedding of old energetic layers. This crystal can offer you a sense of safety as you process and purge old emotions.
Red Calcite
Blasting through energetic blocks, Red Calcite will help you connect to your fire energy from a more stable place. This crystal showed me that it can help you to adapt to the current energies as needed, riding with all of the ups and downs. Red Calcite offers assistance with blending and merging your ideas and integrating new energies into your full being. I was given the word “fabulous” when it comes to the energy of Red Calcite, and you may even receive inspirational downloads as this crystal brings in the energy of joy.
Which crystal are you most drawn to from this top four list?
To work with me for your own personal crystal energy healing, please visit