Six Crystals for this Mercury Retrograde

Energy Infused Grid for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is upon us once again and this time the energy is all about coming into your own power and authority. It’s a great time to establish a foundation for yourself so that you are able to stand more firmly in your inner fire.

I pulled the Emperor Tarot card as representative of this Mercury Retrograde energy. The message I was given is that now is the time to face any truths that you have been avoiding, especially about YOURSELF. This energy helps to highlight areas that need attention and showcases repressed anger, jealousy or competitive energy that is causing chaos within you.

This Mercury Retrograde in August of 2024 hosts an opportunity to walk away from what is holding you back. It allows you to pick yourself up from rock bottom and become more aware of betrayals or situations in your life that are not in your best interest. Allow yourself to let go and transform - fully surrender to this powerful energy of change.

When I asked what not to do with this energy, the response was: Don’t be too rigid, logical or overly analytical. Don’t try to control this Mercury Retrograde energy, but rather go with the flow more.

If you are ready to work with this energy, here are six crystals to support you now:

Amber (Copal)

The message I channeled from Amber is that this gemstone will help you connect to your inner fire from a more grounded space. Use Amber during your own reckoning or awakening to help you root from the Solar Plexus on down. Connect to the golden light energy of Amber.

I was given a journal prompt for you to contemplate: “How can I feel more secure internally during times of chaos?”

Channeled Journal Prompt from Amber Resin


Connect to Turquoise to strip away layers of yourself to get to your internal truth. This crystal will offer you protection, focus, clarity and authenticity. It will help you form your intentions more clearly. The spirit of this crystal said it will help you “find the hidden pearl” within you.


Citrine will work to boost your energy and vibrancy. This crystal can help you to find out what is unique about you that sets you apart from others so you can develop a more positive self-image. I was shown that Citrine can assist you with redirecting your anger from inward to outward, by funneling the anger into crafts, projects and other creative endeavors so this energy no longer stays stuck within you.


Prepare to enhance your emotional strength and expression with Apatite. This courage-offering crystal offers transformation by helping you to examine situations and beliefs more closely so you can identity what needs more attention, shifting and reflection.


Serpentine (also known as Infinite Stone) has been giving me a lot of messages spanning many months, and so much of this crystal helps with stability during times of chaos, or “tower” moments. When I connected for Mercury Retrograde, I was shown Serpentine will help you to integrate the current energies as you meld and merge from a more grounded space. Use Serpentine for guidance and direction, and think of this stone as a guiding light in the dark.


Labradorite works well at the crown and third eye chakra to help you clear out the fuzz and static that may be interfering with your progress. I was shown this crystal will work with you at this time to welcome change from a safer emotional space. You can also expect some galactic energetic assistance from Labradorite.

Which crystals are you drawn to during Mercury Retrograde?

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