When you are walking through the Dark Night of the Soul or the following Void space and you can’t see your light at the end of the tunnel, it often feels hopeless and desolate. You may be trying so hard to get back to yourself, to get back to your spark and to feel alive again, but you can’t find the way out.
It does get better! You do get through this!
There is an easier way to navigate the instability and powerless feelings of the Dark Night of the Soul and the Void space. You will be able to take your power back by receiving channeled messages from your higher self, your inner child, and your spirit team. These messages and the guidance are SPECIFIC to YOU, creating a plan that helps you get through this and do the healing that you need to get to the other side.
You will discover why this is occurring and what needs to happen to bring you back into states of alignment. When this situation happens, there is serious healing that needs to be done, emanating from past lives, ancestors, this life and other timelines. Now you have to do the inner work to get to the other side. You will be guided towards the healing shadow work that you need to do, allowing your inner child to laugh and sing again, and your inner spark to light up. You will be given the tools that are guided specifically for you…. You will be supported as you walk through this void space after the Dark Night of the Soul, with healing and guidance as you navigate your current plane of existence. Connect to your authentic self.
If you are here and ready to take back your power and ignite your spark again, know that you are not lost, but rather learning how to find yourself again … YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
Mother Mary
Channeled Wisdom & Guidance
“Speak to me softly and I will answer, listen for me as I knock at your door. The quiet tapping on your heartspace is me. Allow me to enter so we can heal together. When you feel tired or sad, turn to your heart and let your tears flow. Allow yourself to feel the hurts, the pains, the fears, as you pour them out into my hands. I receive with grace and help to ease your pains, your burdens and sorrows.
The woman who never cries never allows herself to heal. Step into your body, come to yourself at the heart and feel what sits there. What does it feel like? Expand your heart little by little, sensitive soul. Cry, scream, run around until you can no longer stand. And when you are done, place your hands over your heart and breathe in warmth, love. Remember that you are worthy. Children of light come forward and let yourselves be seen, be heard, be known. Open your hearts to share your gifts. Shine your light and feel your joy.
May you walk with grace and strength. May you stand on the side of your truth, always. Blessed is he who knows the wisdom of his heart.”
“Mary, Mother of All, hear my prayer. Help me step into my truth and live from my heart. Help me to let go of my fear and shame. Remind me that I am worthy and courageous. Give me the strength and resilience to remember who I really am. Mother Mary, guide me back to the light of my heart. Thank you.”
— Mother Mary, Channeled Prayer