Seven of Wands - Protection

The more that I work with my guides to expand on the ways I practice self-care, I have come to find a more nuanced meaning to the Seven of Wands when I check in for myself. 

When I sit with what I most need at the moment and the Seven of Wands appears, or it is flashed in my Third Eye, I know that I need energetic protection

For me, the card has evolved to showcase where I may be missing this crucial area of self-care and preservation. Conserving, protecting and shielding my energy has become key to how I am able to both thrive and maintain myself. 

As we pick up the intentions, energies, emotions and thoughts directed our way by others, they can attach to us in the form of cords, energy blocks or clouds in our aura, tears and rips, and other forms of energetic debris that may hinder us from being fully in our power. 

Sometimes people realize they are sending these thoughts our way and other times people are unaware. Our own thought forms, traumas and limiting beliefs can also cause the need for energetic clearing, healing and protection. 

There are times when I am super diligent about my energetic protection, and even then I still need more! So when the Seven of Wands shoots out of my deck, I know it is time to take proper action. (Granted, there are times when I neglect this aspect of self-care and am quickly reminded of the importance of it). 

Crystals are my favorite go-to when it comes to clearing, healing and protecting my energy. As a certified professional crystal healer I have learned methods that work well to cut cords and shield my energy. This, combined with other modalities I learned along the way from my ancestors, healer friends and learned experience, has really shifted the way I stay in my protected power regularly. If you feel this is something you need assistance with, please schedule a session here.

As you sit more with your tarot cards, I encourage you to practice sitting with yourself and your spirit team, recognizing when the meaning of a tarot card expands personally just for you. Ask your Higher Self to work with you so you can connect on a deeper, closer level through the tarot cards. In time, you will recognize when a tarot card that you pull reflects more of the “standard” meaning or your own personal meaning. (Wait until you hear what the Five of Pentacles means for me!). 

Now that you have seen the ways in which the Seven of Wands can indicate the need for energetic protection, pay attention the next time you pull this card. Is this type of shielding something you may benefit from? Deepen your relationship to this card to enhance the messages you receive from spirit and your Higher Self. 

If you would like a crystal healing session to clear your energetic field, cut cords and wrap you in protection, please visit my website to learn more or book a session. 


The Void


Unplugged and In Flow