Channeled Messages for the Collective - The Emperor, Rose Quartz & Rhodonite

This week the collective is feeling ready to pounce, wanting to take action in their lives but feeling too stuck to move forward. When I connected with my spirit team I was shown that there is a big need for feelings of peace and compassion to balance out this energy.

An orange flame of varying levels of brightness looking similar to wispy smoke

The Emperor is the card that I pulled from the Salvador Dali deck and a flood of messages came to me. You are being asked to ground - but not in the way you may be thinking. Instead of soft, nurturing, feminine grounding you are encouraged to ground deeply into your power, using your rage, your anger, your frustration to motivate you and pull you forward.

Instead of becoming frozen by these emotions, you are asked to lean into them. Let them power you and propel you forward. Tap into your masculine energy, feeling driven and ready to conquer the world. Whatever you may be trying to activate or manifest, whether it be on a more intimate scale within your work, self or relationships, or a grander scale within the community, the best way to navigate this week is by running into your deep emotions, not from them.

You are asked to build a foundation to support you right now since so many of you feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. Find ways to draw on your inner strength so you feel more stability in yourself right now. Your inner warrior is calling and now is the time to answer.

When I asked which crystal would support the collective this week, I was shown two crystals instead.

A burgundy background with a pink, red and black Rhodonite crystal and a pale pink Rose Quartz crystal

The first crystal is Rose Quartz. Now I have been working with Rose Quartz a lot for quite some time on some pretty deep, darker issues. But this time when I channeled messages from her and had a conversation, I was told that this energy will benefit the collective this week in a very sweet, soothing and nurturing way. I was told that when the day is over, and you are done being in warrior mode, to wash away the day in her peaceful and compassionate energy. At night, keep Rose Quartz under your pillow or hold a piece in your hand as you fall asleep for some healing energy. We are calling in the Divine Feminine energy at night this week and allowing the softness to enter and balance our full being.

a blend of pink and yellow pastel colors

The second crystal I was guided to is Rhodonite. When I sat with the spirit of this crystal I was told that this week it is not so much about channeling a message, but offering everyone the opportunity to sit with Rhodonite energy and explore it on your own. I have channeled some Rhodonite energy in the video below for everyone to connect to and sit with as needed this week. The crystal also told me that its energy will help to fill in the cracks of our aura with healing light. Lastly, I was told that everyone needs to be good to themselves this week. Work with Rhodonite to help align and connect more closely with your Higher Self, as well.

May these messages and the energy from the Emperor, Rose Quartz and Rhodonite support you through the week.

Share your thoughts below! I am happy to engage and interact with you!

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The next Mediumship Practice Circle meets on Thursday, March 6th at 7:30 pm EST via Zoom - all levels of mediums, including beginners!

P.s. Have you read about the demonic infestation we had in our new home? Tell me if you ever dealt with something similar. I will be sharing more on this down the road.

- Dawn
Heal By Dawn


Crystal Confessions


Channeled Messages for the Collective - 10 of Cups & Larimar