
A red circular shape over a golden yellow background with the word "shifting" beneath it

During the month of October 2022 (I know, a while ago!) I woke in the night to a large spiritual being in the bedroom. This being had a very strong energy, and I was prevented from fully turning my head to stare straight on at this enormous, powerful presence. I did not feel unsafe, rather, I felt in awe and a little confused. It floated near my scarf collection hanging on the bedroom wall, next to my window and pushed into the darker area of the room.

It was so incredibly hard to describe, but I was overcome with the psychic knowing of “angel.” This angelic being was mostly red in color, with yellow glowing orbs and what appeared to be many eyes. It was a unique shape, somewhat circular with extending parts that floated gracefully in the air. I never saw anything like this before, and suddenly the angelic being disappeared. The energy holding my head in place lifted and I lay there for a while contemplating what I just witnessed before falling back asleep.

The next day, my spirit team guided me to a very specific oracle deck on my shelf. I shuffled and pulled a card. Upon turning the card over, I gasped. The image was what I had seen in the bedroom the night before!

Shifting” is the word typed across the bottom of the card in bold font. I sat and leaned into the energy and the message of spirit. So much is shifting in our lives right now, individually and collectively. My own personal journey has been full of adjusting, expanding, purging and acceptance. And most notably, surrender.

This oracle card has sat on my desk under a Carnelian crystal since last October, waiting for the right moment to be put into words for sharing.

Shifting … what does that word mean to you? Does it represent change? Movement? Adjustment?

I often see messages in the spiritual community boldly stating that all that is no longer serving a person is going to go away. As though each job, relationship, family structure, behavior, etc. will disappear. For me, this doesn’t usually resonate fully.

Why does this mean it has to go away? Why can’t it just be shifting, instead? I don’t believe that everything not aligned with us is destined to leave, but rather shift. Heal. Adjust. Change. But it doesn’t always mean it leaves. It just means it unfolds in a new way, unlike the old way. A way that better serves all parties.

Journal Prompt: How do I want to embody the next shift in my life? How can I approach change differently this time?

Shifting … we are shifting all the time, in different ways. How we lean into these shifts contributes to our growth. Do we lean in or resist? Are we fearless or anxious? Do we approach this with as much grace as we can muster, or go down fighting in a frenzy?

Allow yourself to roll with the waves of the shifts as best you can, giving yourself opportunities to navigate differently than you may have before. Step into spaces that feel more aligned with you, that resonate more freely with your soul. It doesn’t always mean leaving, but rather … shifting.

If you have been experiencing some dramatic shifts and are feeling confused, overwhelmed or uneasy about the process, please visit my page to book a session to help you navigate the current shifts you are going through.


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Transition - Death & Goodbye